AAPlasma LLC

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Plasma treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

Our research manuscript was chosen for the cover of the Dermatology and Venereology Review journal.

The manuscript is on The use of non-thermal atmospheric plasma for the treatment of in situ cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a case series.

Summary: Despite its high incidence, cutaneous squamous cell car­cinoma (SCC) remains a treatment challenge. Non­ther­mal, atmospheric pressure plasma (NTAP) is an emerging modality with a broad range of potential applications in dermatology, including the treatment of actinic keratosis. Given the close relationship between actinic keratosis and SCC, we treated three patients with biopsy­proven in­si­tu SCC, using NTAP. All three patients have tolerated the treatment very well, and they all reached full clinical re­solution of their lesion after 2­5 treatment sessions. This case series highlights the potential role of NTAP in the treatment of SCC.

Key words: squamous cell carcinoma – non-thermal atmospheric plasma – skin cancer, non-invasive treatment

DOI 10.7188/bvsz.2023.99.6.5